Hindi Bharat Milap (1942)
Bharat Milap is a classic Indian film released in the year 1942, during the era of black-and-white cinema. This movie is known for its depiction of the historical and religious narrative focusing on the reunion of Lord Rama and his brother Bharata, a significant episode from the Indian epic Ramayana. Directed by Vijay Bhatt, one of the prominent filmmakers of his time, Bharat Milap showcases the talents of actors and actresses who were celebrated figures in the early days of Indian cinema.
The music director for Bharat Milap, along with the singers and lyricist, played a crucial role in bringing the emotional depth and cultural richness of the story to life through their compositions and vocal performances. The lyricist is Pandit Anuj and the composer is Shankar Rao Vyas. The songs from the movie, imbued with the spiritual and devotional elements of the story, would have contributed significantly to the film’s atmosphere and narrative. Among the standout tracks from the movie are “Bata Do Ram Gaye Kis Aur” by Shahu Modak, Amirbai Karnataki, G. M. Durrani, Kaushalya, Madhusudan, and “Utho Utho Hey Bharat” each adding a unique flavor to the film’s soundtrack.
Here, we’ve listed all the songs of Bharat Milap sung by the artists of the time, along with their lyrics and music videos. Check out the list of Bharat Milap movie song lyrics below.