Hindi Song Lyrics (लिखा हुआ गाना हिंदी में)
Are you looking for all new bollywood hindi songs lyrics? You came to right website for Hindi (हिंदी) Lyrics. We have biggest collection of brand new hindi songs lyrics (नया हिंदी गाना लिखा हुआ हिंदी में) and videos from all type of bollywood movies, hindi albums, hindi tv shows, serials, web series and your favorite hindi commerical ads songs. Whether you want to read song lyrics in english or in hindi (हिन्दी) language font, We've got you covered. Even if you do not want to miss out latest hindi video songs released recently, you will find new hindi songs from bollywood movies and hindi albums along with lyrics here. We have unique feature of portable video player so you can read, sing and watch video along with lyrics of new released hindi songs.