Hindi Blackout

“Blackout” is a thrilling action movie released on 7 June 2024. Directed by Devang Shashin Bhavsar, the film features an impressive cast including Vikrant Massey, Ruhani Sharma, Sunil Grover, Mouni Roy, Jisshu Sengupta, Anant Vijay Joshi, Prasad Oak, Kelly Dorji and others. The music for “Blackout” is composed by the talented Vishal Mishra, with the soundtrack featuring songs sung by Vishal Mishra and Suraj Jagan. The lyrics for these memorable tracks are penned by Vishal Mishra. Notable songs include “Chitralekha,” “Kya Hua” and “Chor” sung by Vishal Mishra and Suraj Jagan.

Here, we’ve listed all the songs of “Blackout” sung by Vishal Mishra and Suraj Jagan, along with their lyrics and music videos. Check out the list of “Blackout” movie song lyrics below.