Hindi Captain Miller
“Captain Miller” is an upcoming Tamil-language film set to release on 12 January 2024. Directed by Arun Matheswaran, the movie stars Dhanush in the lead role, with Priyanka Arul Mohan as the female lead. The supporting cast includes Sundeep Kishan and Nivedhithaa Sathish. The film’s music is composed by G. V. Prakash Kumar, with lyrics penned by Yugabharathi. The soundtrack features songs sung by renowned artists like Pooja Tiwari, Viruss, and Santosh Hariharan. Notable songs include “Killer Killer,” “Sunlo Tumhe Hum,” and “Ghora Hara.”
Here, we’ve listed all the songs of Captain Miller sung by Pooja Tiwari, Viruss, and Santosh Hariharan, along with their lyrics and music videos. Check out the list of Captain Miller movie song lyrics below.