Hindi Darbaan
Darbaan is an Indian Hindi drama movie directed and produced by Bipin Nadkarni under the banner of Opticus Picture Company with Yogesh Beldar as co-producer. The movie starring Sharib Hashmi, Sharad Kelkar, Rasika Dugal, Flora Saini, Harsh Chhaya, and Varun Vijay Sharma follows the story of a master and his caretaker. The music of the movie is composed by Amartya Bobo Rahut and Raajeev V. Bhalla whereas lyrics are written by Manoj Yadav, Siddhant Kaushal, and Akshay K. Saxena. The movie songs are sung by Arijit Singh, Amartya Bobo Rahut, Gujraj Singh, Tushar Joshi, Raajeev V. Bhalla, and Rashi Harmalkar. It was released on 4 December 2020.