Hindi Dear Dad (2016)
Dear Dad is a poignant Indian drama film that was released on May 6, 2016. Directed by Tanuj Bhramar, the movie explores the delicate relationship between a father and his teenage son during a road trip that brings them closer while also unveiling deep secrets. The film stars Arvind Swamy, making a notable comeback, and Himanshu Sharma as the father-son duo. The music for “Dear Dad” was composed by Raghav–Arjun and Ujjwal Kashyap, with lyrics penned by Deepak Ramola and Ujjwal Kashyap. Although the movie did not feature a wide array of songs, the music played a significant role in accentuating the emotional depth of the narrative.
Despite its limited commercial success, “Dear Dad” was appreciated for its heartwarming storyline and the performances of its lead actors. The film did not garner any prestigious awards or nominations but was recognized for its attempt to tackle complex themes with sensitivity and grace. The movie’s release did not coincide with any major notable events or controversies, allowing it to be judged solely on its artistic merit. The soundtrack of “Dear Dad” may not have included chart-topping hits, but it effectively complemented the film’s themes of love, discovery, and acceptance. The release date of the album or specific popular tracks was not highlighted, reflecting the movie’s focus on storytelling over musical spectacle. Some notable songs are “Jo Bhi Ho“, and “Girha“.
Here, we’ve listed all the songs of Dear Dad sung by various artists, along with their lyrics and music videos. Check out the list of Dear Dad movie song lyrics below.