Hindi Ghungroo Ki Awaaz (1981)
“Ghungroo Ki Awaaz,” released in 1981, is a suspense thriller that captivates audiences with its intriguing plot and stellar performances. Directed by the talented Shyam Ramsay and Tulsi Ramsay, the film features Vijay Anand and Rekha in the lead roles, showcasing their exceptional acting skills. The music for this film was composed by the renowned R.D. Burman, with lyrics penned by Vijay Anand. The melodious and haunting tracks were brought to life by the voices of Kishore Kumar, Suresh Wadkar, and Asha Bhosle, among others, adding depth and emotion to the movie’s atmosphere.
Although “Ghungroo Ki Awaaz” did not win any prestigious awards, its unique blend of suspense and music left a lasting impression on its audience. The film’s songs, coupled with its gripping storyline, contributed to its overall success and have since become classics in the Indian film industry.
Here, we’ve listed all the songs of “Ghungroo Ki Awaaz” sung by Kishore Kumar, Suresh Wadkar, and Asha Bhosle, along with their lyrics and music videos. Check out the list of “Ghungroo Ki Awaaz” movie song lyrics below.