Jahangir National University is Hindi political drama directed by Vinay Sharma and produced by Pratima Datta under Mahakaal Movies Pvt. Ltd. The film, released on June 21, 2024, features an ensemble cast including Siddharth Bodke as Sourabh Sharma, Urvashi Rautela as Richa Sharma, and Ravi Kishan as Ramkishan. Other notable actors include Piyush Mishra and Vijay Raaz, portraying pivotal roles in this story that dives deep into the complexities of student politics within a fictional university setting, which is widely believed to be inspired by real-life events surrounding JNU.
The music for the movie is composed by Aehmad Najeem, Vijay Verma, and Saaransh Maide, is accompanied by lyrics from seasoned lyricists to match the dramatic tone of the film. Some notable songs “Shankhnad,” “Waada Sanam,” “Sannata,” and “Miss Call.” Although the movie has sparked controversy for its political themes, it did not garner significant commercial success.