Hindi Kidnap (2008)
“Kidnap,” a Bollywood thriller released on October 2, 2008, captivates audiences with its intense storyline and star-studded cast. Directed by Sanjay Gadhvi, known for his work on the Dhoom series, the film features Imran Khan, Sanjay Dutt, Minissha Lamba, and Vidya Malvade in pivotal roles. The narrative revolves around a young man who kidnaps a wealthy businessman’s daughter, setting off a series of gripping events filled with suspense and drama.
The musical score of “Kidnap” is crafted by the talented Pritam, with Sandeep Vyas and Sanjeev Vyas contributing as well. The lyrics, penned by Mayur Puri, add depth to the movie’s emotional and thrilling moments. The soundtrack includes voices of popular singers such as Sukhwinder Singh, Sunidhi Chauhan, and Shreya Ghoshal, among others, who bring the film’s music to life with their exceptional vocal performances. Notable songs include “Mit Jaaye“, “Meri Ek Ada Shola” “Mausam,” “Haan Ji” and “Hey Ya“.
Here, we’ve listed all the songs of “Kidnap” sung by Sukhwinder Singh, Sunidhi Chauhan, Shreya Ghoshal, and others, along with their lyrics and music videos. Check out the list of “Kidnap” movie song lyrics below.