Hindi Lal Salaam (2002)
Lal Salaam, released in 2002, is a poignant film that delves into the lives and struggles of tribal people against the backdrop of a Naxalite movement. Directed by Gaganvihari Borate, the movie features an ensemble cast including Sharad S. Kapoor, Vijay Raaz, Nandita Das, and Rajpal Yadav, who bring to life the complex dynamics of social injustice and political unrest. The narrative is enhanced by the music direction of Hridaynath Mangeshkar, whose compositions resonate with the thematic essence of the film. The lyrics penned by Gulzar and add depth to the movie’s emotional landscape, making the songs an integral part of the storytelling.
The singers who lent their voices to this powerful soundtrack include Lata Mangeshkar, Roop Kumar Rathod, and Ravindra Sathe, among others. Their vocal performances add a layer of emotional intensity to the film’s narrative, making the music memorable and impactful. Among the standout tracks from the movie are “Beeta Mausam“, “Mitwa Lai Jaiyyo“, “Hunkar Jaga” and “Zara Sa Aao Na” each adding a unique flavor to the film’s soundtrack.
Here, we’ve listed all the songs of Lal Salaam sung by Lata Mangeshkar, Roop Kumar Rathod, Ravindra Sathe, along with their lyrics and music videos. Check out the list of Lal Salaam movie song lyrics below.