Super 30 is a 2019 Indian Hindi biographical drama movie directed by Vikas Bahl and co-produced by Sajid Nadiadwala on a budget of 60 crores (US$8.4 million), narrating the life of mathematician Anand Kumar and his educational program of the same name. Co-distributed by Reliance Entertainment, the movie features Hrithik Roshan as Anand, with Mrunal Thakur, Virendra Saxena, Pankaj Tripathi, Aditya Shrivastava and Aayush Kumar Shukla in supporting roles. Ajay-Atul composed the music for the movie and lyrics are written by Amitabh Bhattacharya. Super 30 was Phantom Film’s last production. Principal photography began in February 2018 and the movie was extensively shot in Ramnagar Fort and Sambhar Lake Town which was shown as Kota, Rajasthan. Super 30 was theatrically released in India on 12 July 2019.