Hindi Ram Rajya (1943)
Ram Rajya is a historic film released in 1943, directed by Vijay Bhatt. This movie stands out as it is based on the epic story of Ramayana, focusing on the period of Lord Rama’s reign after returning to Ayodhya. The film stars Prem Adib as Lord Rama and Shobhna Samarth as Sita, bringing to life the revered characters with their compelling performances. The music direction for Ram Rajya was masterfully handled by Shankarrao Vyas, with lyrics penned by Ramesh Gupta and Pandit Sudarshan, creating a memorable soundtrack that resonates with the epic’s grandeur.
Among the standout tracks from the movie are “Sury Dev Jagadeep Tezz Jinka“, “Aaj Jiya Dole Anand Se“, “Bharat Ki Ek Sannari” and “Been Madhur Madhur” each adding a unique flavor to the film’s soundtrack.
Here, we’ve listed all the songs of Ram Rajya sung by various artists like Prabodh Chandra Dey (Manna Dey), Saraswati Rane And Vishnupant Pagnis, along with their lyrics and music videos. Check out the list of Ram Rajya movie song lyrics below.